BBC African Footballer of the Year: Voting open as shortlist named

Long-time readers and/or just regular people may remember that BBC Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson was fired after punching his own producer, Oisin Tymon, in the face. Now Tymon is suing both Clarkson and the 

Head coach Gregor Townsend told BBC Scotland: "Our thoughts go out to the people of Racing, the people of Paris, and the whole sporting world is behind Paris just now." The Warriors squad is due to travel back to Glasgow around Sunday lunchtime, 

Long-time readers and/or just regular people may remember that BBC Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson was fired after punching his own producer, Oisin Tymon, in the face. Now Tymon is suing both Clarkson and the 

Each year, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba makes waves with Singles Day, the world's largest shopping event. Here are the numbers of the record-breaking day.

If you (like us, and probably some Russian oligarchs) have been waiting anxiously to get your bespoke butt into the just-unveiled Bentley Bentayga SUV, the marque has provided an incredible instrument on which to count