'Batman v Superman' trailer officially released

Sarah Lane and Tom Merritt join Iyaz today while Jeff tends to baby Henry Francis Bakalar. by Iyaz Akhtar · @iyaz; April 17, 2015 11:37 AM PDT. comments. 0. facebook. twitter. linkedin. googleplus. more. more +. email. tumblr. stumble. reddit

It had to happen. The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer has now leaked online in its entirety, and while it is cam quality, you won't struggle to see Superman's new status quo, Bruce Wayne getting a lecture from 

Following a leak earlier this week, Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Comics have released the official trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Check it out below. Directed by Zack Snyder, Dawn of Justice hits theaters on 

It had to happen. The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer has now leaked online in its entirety, and while it is cam quality, you won't struggle to see Superman's new status quo, Bruce Wayne getting a lecture from 

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