Batista Returning as a Babyface Is a Mistake After Brilliant Heel Run

Tonight on Monday Night Raw, Batista returns to WWE after four years away from pro wrestling that included him doing an MMA fight so he could cross an item off his bucket list. When he left, he had re-invented himself as a Kanye West-inspired heel and

Dave Batista returns to WWE Raw for the first time in four years, putting WWE World Heavyweight champion Randy Orton on notice, before returning later in the show to Batista Bomb Alberto Del Rio.

Certainly Batista could be paraded out to the live audience earlier and then, later, have him do a heroic run on to garner another 'pop' as there are always multiple ways to do something the right way in the world of entertainment and in sports. – How

Former World Heavyweight Champion, Dave 'The Animal' Batista returns to RAW on January 20th. Ladies and gentlemen, the beast is about to be unleashed once.

Video: Batista returns to WWE on Raw (Part two). By Geno Mrosko  @cagesideseats on Jan 20 2014, 10:26p 8. He's back again! Batista returned to "Monday Night Raw" tonight (Jan. 20, 2014) in the opening segment to tell Randy Orton he would win the