Back by popular demand: public backs Pluto for planethood

When astronomers stripped Pluto of its status as a planet in 2006, children and grown-ups raised a ruckus. Some kids even sent hate mail to the Hayden Planetarium complaining about Pluto's "demotion" to dwarf planet status 

The organization had 3 distinguished scientists present the case for and against Pluto. Pluto's planet status you may recall has been redefined and questioned since about 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) set a 

Last week, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics revisited the perennial debate over how to define a planet—and whether icy little Pluto qualifies. Three accomplished experts weighed in at the event, two pro-planet, one anti-planet. After

The organization had 3 distinguished scientists present the case for and against Pluto. Pluto's planet status you may recall has been redefined and questioned since about 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) set a 

When Pluto was hurled from the pantheon of planets back in 2006, it could simply have slinked away, accepting its new title of “dwarf planet” without a fuss. But thanks to the undying support of its millions of fans—not just schoolchildren, but many