Back by popular demand: public backs Pluto for planethood

Pluto can thank its lucky stars it's got a strong fan base on Earth. Reduced to the rank of "dwarf planet" by the International Astronomical Union in 2006, it's been waiting in the wings 7.5 billion kilometres away from Earth, bursting for its chance

When Pluto was hurled from the pantheon of planets back in 2006, it could simply have slinked away, accepting its new title of “dwarf planet” without a fuss. But thanks to the undying support of its millions of fans—not just schoolchildren, but many

Last week, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics revisited the perennial debate over how to define a planet—and whether icy little Pluto qualifies. Three accomplished experts weighed in at the event, two pro-planet, one anti-planet. After

PSA: Pluto is once again recognized as a planet! When I was learning the planets, my teachers taught me to remember the names and order of the planets by the very useful MVEMJSUNP—My Very Eager Mother Just Served 

The organization had 3 distinguished scientists present the case for and against Pluto. Pluto's planet status you may recall has been redefined and questioned since about 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) set a