Aziz Ansari's Remembrance of Harris Wittels Will Break Your Heart

The death of 30-year-old Harris Wittels, Parks and Recreation co-executive producer, writer, and animal control guy, has cast a pall over the final season of the show. The cast and crew of the show have been devastated by the news, and Aziz Ansari, 

The death of 30-year-old Harris Wittels, Parks and Recreation co-executive producer, writer, and animal control guy, has cast a pall over the final season of the show. The cast and crew of the show have been devastated by the news, and Aziz Ansari, 

Sam Reports on the Passing of Harris Wittels. Posted 10:23 AM, February 20, 2015, by Sam Rubin Through Snowbank to Get to Food Bowl. Local News · Harris Wittels is shown at the 12th Annual AFI Awards held at the Four Seasons Hotel 

Following the news of Harris Wittels' tragic passing yesterday, we offer this piece which he contributed to our 40th Anniversary issue last March. Wittels drew on his experience as the creator of the Analyze Phish podcast to share the techniques that

Harris Wittels, one of the executive producers of "Parks and Recreation" died at his home Thursday from a possible drug overdose TMZ has…