Audiences get an earful and little else from preachy 'Left Behind'

In Left Behind, millions of people—many of them children, the rest pure of heart and intention—suddenly and simultaneously blip out of existence, piles of empty clothes marking the final spot of land they occupied. Were they 

A movie about the rapture starring Nicolas Cage should be wackier than “Left Behind.” It should have more smoldering panic bursting into full-blown freak-outs. It should have more passion, more intensity.

The other film out this weekend, Left Behind, starring Nicolas Cage, is more overtly religious, based on the best-selling books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins about the world after Jesus returns, when true believers are swept into glory and everyone

So sure was I that the rapture would happen at any moment, that I believed it to be my mission from God to scare let everyone around me know that the end was nigh so they would not be left behind. I was genuinely shocked every morning when I would wake 

This is not the Left Behind movie anyone expected. The last time the property was in the public eye—2005, with the release of the third movie installment, Left Behind: World At War—the movies had Kirk Cameron and