Ash Wednesday marked in cathedrals, on streets

Two religious publications are asking readers to send them their Ash Wednesday selfies. National Catholic Reporter wants people to use the hashtag #MyAshes. "We can't wait to see all of your foreheads!" @NCROnline tweeted today. Remember to tweet us 

Compared to other diets on the market, which are only interested in helping you look a certain way, The Ash Wednesday Diet is really something special. I call it The Ash Wednesday Diet because it should be started on the first day of Lent. To me, Lent 

Observing Ash Wednesday. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. At Trinity Church in Manhattan on Wednesday, the Rev. John Moody placed ashes on Kirsten Luce for The New York Times At Trinity Church in Manhattan on 

The significance of Lent and Ash Wednesday, is now even easier to observe with the Ashes to Go services and more attractive as an act of faith that can save money. For Christians, Ash Wednesday signifies the beginning of 

Arne Panula, director of the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C., said his experience is that more people go to church on Ash Wednesday than any other holiday, including Christmas and Easter. Video. Some Connecticut clergy members offered