Ash Wednesday marked in cathedrals, on streets

"Today, Michelle and I join our fellow Christians in the United States and around the world in marking Ash Wednesday. "Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal — a chance to recommit to loving and serving one another, and to deepen our

Observing Ash Wednesday. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. At Trinity Church in Manhattan on Wednesday, the Rev. John Moody placed ashes on Kirsten Luce for The New York Times At Trinity Church in Manhattan on 

SCRANTON — Christians around the globe mark Ash Wednesday today. Parishioners at St. Peter's Cathedral in Scranton received ashes on their foreheads. The Lenten tradition is a sign of the person's mortality. Bishop 

Huggy Lowdown reveals what he's giving up for Lent.

Observing Ash Wednesday. By THE NEW YORK TIMES. At Trinity Church in Manhattan on Wednesday, the Rev. John Moody placed ashes on Kirsten Luce for The New York Times At Trinity Church in Manhattan on