Ash Wednesday 2016: History, meaning and reason for fasting

Black crosses will mark the foreheads of many Christians on Feb. 10, signifying the start of the Lenten season. It's all part of Ash Wednesday. Learn more about the religious day, from the symbolism behind the black crosses to its history, in this

"There are four particular reasons we receive ashes on Ash Wednesday," Father Rob Wisniewski tells the group, all altar servers for the church's daily Masses. "The first is to remind us of our mortality. What is mortality," he asks, looking from face

The perfect recipe to get ashes that will stick to a forehead on Ash Wednesday is elusive. So, like millions of other Americans tackling do-it-yourself projects, the Rev. Bradley Zamora turns to YouTube for guidance. “YouTube comes in handy,” said

First United Methodist Church is holding Ash Wednesday Services at noon Wednesday, Feb. 10, followed by its Lenten Luncheon at the church sanctuary, 404 Lincoln Ave., Salinas. The public is invited to attend the luncheon hosted by United Methodist 

The worship service will include the Imposition of Ashes and the celebration of Holy Communion. Pastor Lohmeyer sermon theme is: "Rend Your Heart" based on Joel 2:13. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent, a 40-day period (not