As the Nation Watches, Joe Biden Struggles With Whether to Run for President

Stephen Colbert put the media's pandering to Donald Trump and obsessing over Hillary Clinton's emails to shame with a masterfully compelling interview of Vice President Joe Biden.

If Vice President Joe Biden announces he is running for president, the big winner, by far, will be Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Mr. Biden will take far more votes from Hillary Clinton than he would take from Mr. Sanders, who 

Vice President Joe Biden admitted he had his doubts about running for office during his Late Show interview on Thursday.

The only question people in Democratic politics are asking at the moment is: Will Joe Biden run? The vice president isn't saying — he played coy in Pittsburgh on Labor Day — but the longer he takes to make up his mind, the more difficult his task of

Stephen Colbert put the media's pandering to Donald Trump and obsessing over Hillary Clinton's emails to shame with a masterfully compelling interview of Vice President Joe Biden.