Apple's Cook awarded $58M worth of AAPL stock for meeting performance goals …

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) declined with the technology sector and of course broader market recently, though shares instantly achieved – and rallied extremely powerfully from – a critical support target level which propelled 

Some analysts and investors would believe so, as companies like Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) were down over 5%. As a result, a key analyst upgraded its view on Apple based on this correction. Wells Fargo's Maynard Um 

Toward the end of market close, shares in tech's so-called "big five" — Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG), Netflix (NFLX), Facebook (FB) and Amazon (AMZN) — managed to survive another difficult day for stocks. Overall, the Nasdaq closed down just under 4 

Updated stock quote for aapl – including aapl stock price today, earnings and estimates, stock charts, news, futures and other investing data.

24, 2015, the beginning value of which calculated by averaging AAPL's closing price for 20 trading days prior to the 2013 start date. Adjusted for dividends and a 7-to-1 stock split in 2014, starting value was calculated at $68.56 per share. The ending