Apple Watch Users Discover Another Way to Go 'Hands Free'

Once you've got your new Apple Watch unwrapped and paired, attention will turn to having a bit of fun. And where better to start than the Apple Watch's much promoted Digital Touch feature? It enables you to send your heartbeat or hand scrawled drawings

A few weeks after purchasing an Apple Watch, Wil Forrest smelled a problem. Mr. Forrest, a manager at Freebirds World Burrito in Thousand Oaks, Calif., was cutting meat when the timer on his watch started buzzing and beeping. With his hands covered in 

Since Apple Watch has received positive feedback for its battery life, the brand will continue the same feature.Along with these features, you have a front facing video camera for facetime calls, smart bracelets with built-in light notification

Assuming your Watch is already on and charged, go ahead and open up the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, the one you've tried to delete a few times but iOS wouldn't let you. You'll need an iPhone 5 or more recent, running iOS 9 (if you have an Android 

Why the ambivalence? Apple hasn't released sales figures, but it hardly seems like a flop — IDC ranks it second in the wearables market, behind only Fitbit, which has sold more than 20 million of its namesake devices. Any other company would be