Article – Note found in Kurt Cobain's wallet mocks wedding vows to …

SEATTLE (AP) — A handwritten note police discovered in Kurt Cobain's wallet after his suicide disparages Courtney Love, the late Nirvana front man's wife. CBS News reported that the note was taken from Cobain's wallet when police arrived at his home

Somehow, for reasons known only to themselves, the Seattle Police are still releasing details found at the scene of Kurt Cobain's 1994 suicide. First, there were the death-scene photos, including some truly gruesome ones.

Kurt Cobain called his wife, Courtney Love, a “b*tch” who spent his fortune on “whoring and doping” in a newly released note found at the scene of the Nirvana frontman's death, triggering a new crop of murder theories.

"Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawfully shredded wife," it reads. "Even when she's a b**ch with zits and siphoning all yr[sic] money for doping and whoring." When the words were written, what context they were written in

The new report confirms statements made recently by the SPD detective who conducted the review, that "the investigation on the death of Kurt Cobain, which was conducted 20 years ago, reached the correct conclusion that the manner of death was (Suicide).