Article – Note found in Kurt Cobain's wallet mocks wedding vows to …

Twenty years after the tragic death of Kurt Cobain, the Seattle Police Department has released a hand written letter to wife, Courtney Love that mocks their wedding vows.

The undated, handwritten note, obtained by CBS News through a public information request, begins: "Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife," accusing Love of "siphoning all" of Cobain's money. The note was written 

Courtney Love and her band, Hole, released a new single titled "Wedding Day" this week. Ironically, the song comes out just as Seattle police made public a note found in the wallet of her late husband, Nirvana's iconic frontman Kurt Cobain, that

"Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawfully shredded wife," it reads. "Even when she's a b**ch with zits and siphoning all yr[sic] money for doping and whoring." When the words were written, what context they were written in

Courtney Love continues to plug on as a newly released note discovered in Kurt Cobain's wallet at the time of his death makes the rounds. The undated letter, which has been kept under wraps until this week, was written by the Nirvana frontman and