Ant-Man movie review: A little Marvel hero and a lot to like about him …

The session on comic book movies will include Ant-Man's Dan Lebental and Colby Parker Jr., Avengers: Age of Ultron's Lisa Lassek, Guardians of the Galaxy's Fred Raskin and Daredevil's Jonathan Chibnall. Avid's Michael Krulik will moderate. Another 

The next installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming up this Friday, and while it may not be as hyped as Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man is looking like it is going to be a huge movie. To tide you over for the last couple of days until it

The next installment to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming up this Friday, and while it may not be as hyped as Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man is looking like it is going to be a huge movie. To tide you over for the last couple of days until it

Promotion for Ant-Man is still going strong as the Marvel movie nears its release this Friday, and Disney's latest efforts spotlights how the superhero's suit works in a new featurette. Check it out! Follow DCMarvelFreshman:.

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and First Lady Sandra Deal and folks from the currently filming “Captain America: Civil War” on Sunday attended a private red-carpet screening of “Ant-Man,” the first movie to be produced out of the giant new Pinewood Studios