Anonymous denies role in early KKK leak

The allegation was made in an anonymous tip to the agency, said FPPC spokesman Jay Wierenga. He cautioned that the agency investigates more than 1,000 complaints a year and initiates hundreds more. The agency has simply requested a response from 

A bomb threat Tuesday at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a shooting threat by a football player at Fresno State were investigated and found to be groundless, but both involved the anonymous app YikYak.

US mayors and senators denied having any links to the Ku Klux Klan after their names were listed among KKK members by someone claiming to be with Anonymous. The hacktivist group refuted its involvement, but plans its own data-dump later this week.

Anonymous denies link to list of alleged KKK members — and promises to release its own. Newsweek · 02 Nov 2015 at 18:49 ET. Image from an 'Anonymous' video [YouTube]. Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story!

The anti-establhment online collective Anonymous (God bless them) planning to release the names of prominent American elected officials and political activts with alleged ties to the Ku Klux Klan. “Men in hoods; meet the men in masks,” a message posted