Animals fleeing Yellowstone spark fears of volcanic eruption

Life]. Yellowstone National Park was struck by a magnitude 4.8 earthquake on Sunday morning and scientists say that it is the strongest earthquake to strike the area in 34 years. The quake struck at 6:34 a.m. with an epicenter 

However, researchers believe the massive supervolcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in the US – which researchers recently found was 2.5 times bigger than they thought – could actually soon be dead. Researchers analysed water and gas, and sat it 

The eruption 2 million years ago was the most catastrophic, covering half of North America with ash and wiping out prehistoric animals, reports the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Tourist hotspot Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park, 

The quake was centered almost in the middle of Yellowstone National Park, near the Norris Geyser Basin, said Peter Cervelli, a spokesman for the USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, NBC News reported. He added that 

Videos of bison seemingly fleeing Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming have sparked concerns among some bloggers that recent seismic activity could trigger the eruption of the park's so-called supervolcano.