An Irish blessing: For one day, St. Pat's in Erin is reborn

Be An Irish Blessing. CovNet says that the following presbyteries are scheduled to vote in the next ten days: 3/12, Abingdon; 3/14, Geneva, Prospect Hill; 3/17, Palisades, West Jersey; 3/17-18, Nevada; 3/19, Providence; 3/21, 

“May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts. If He doesn't turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles so we may know them by their limping.” Erin go bragh. Paula Axtell. Warsaw 

And Vadnie always likes to end her discussions of Bismarck's Celtic history with this Irish Blessing: "May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow and trouble avoid you wherever you go." Vadnie also said there's some discussion to place

Be An Irish Blessing. CovNet says that the following presbyteries are scheduled to vote in the next ten days: 3/12, Abingdon; 3/14, Geneva, Prospect Hill; 3/17, Palisades, West Jersey; 3/17-18, Nevada; 3/19, Providence; 3/21, 

I mean, besides loving Lucky Charms cereal as a kid, that's about as close to celebrating the Irish as I've gotten. And yet, my gym is decorated with green mylar balloons and everybody is all excited about this day. In case you can't tell yet, I'm not