An inventor's Quirky path to success

Window-mounted air conditioners are the latest appliance to receive a connected home makeover, as crowdsourced invention company Quirky and appliance giant GE have unveiled the new iPhone-compatible Aros smart air 

Quirky is more than just bendy power strips these days — recently, it's been pushing its vision of the connected home thanks to a multi-million dollar partnership with GE. So far their deal has yielded stuff like intelligent egg 

Quirky, best known for its flexible power strip, partnered with GE last April to put some Fortune 500 muscle behind developing Internet-connected devices and appliances. And its Aros air conditioner is clearly trying to do something new (though the

Though Nest has made a dent in home automation with its smart thermostat, the company hasn't really addressed those of us who live in old apartment buildings with window AC units as our only summer salvation. But GE and Quirky haven't forgotten. Today 

Quirky is more than just bendy power strips these days — recently, it's been pushing its vision of the connected home thanks to a multi-million dollar partnership with GE. So far their deal has yielded stuff like intelligent egg trays (seriously) and