'American Sniper' kills rivals — and angers Michael Moore

Michael Moore calls snipers 'cowards' and Twitter conservatives go bonkers. Tom Boggioni · 19 Jan 2015 at 09:44 ET. Michael Moore (Shutterstock). Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story!

“We stood behind you Seth with your movie, and we said you had the right to make the movie you wanted to make. Give them the same respect, because we stood behind them. Michael Moore, you know better,” said Goldberg, who returned to the ABC 

The left wing film-maker Michael Moore has denied criticising controversial Clint Eastwood blockbuster American Sniper, following a tweet in which he labelled snipers “cowards” and said his uncle had been killed by one in the second world war.

Filmmaker Michael Moore got called out by a real American sniper on Monday after he claimed snipers are “cowards” and "aren't heroes." Retired U.S. Army Sgt. Nick Irving told Elisabeth Hasselbeck that Moore didn't deserve 

When asked about Michael Moore's comments, he said he really didn't want to give the guy anymore airtime but his response caught the whole crew at CNN off guard as they laughed out loud on-air before they could continue