American Idol: Five reasons why Harry Connick, Jr. could give show a lift (+video)

On Wednesday night, American Idol kicked off its 13th season. Interestingly, American Idol began the same year as this writer's marriage; thirteen whole years ago. Sometimes, it feels like it was only yesterday when we stood breathless with the

15) season premiere of Fox's “American Idol,” airing at 7 p.m. on WVUE, in which some of the contestants seem not quite sure who New Orleans' Harry Connick Jr. is. The same can probably be said for a lot of America, despite his recording, concertizing, 

Could cradling be the new twerking? After all, viewers saw both in the season premiere of “American Idol” on Wednesday. But with all apologies to Troy Durden, who twerked to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” that's so 2013. If Harry Connick Jr. has his way

Despite a rotating cast of superstar judges (Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Steven Tyler and Ellen DeGeneres have all served on the show) “Idol” has been on the ratings decline in recent years. Connick says he didn't ask Lopez or Urban for advice before

Could cradling be the new twerking? After all, viewers saw both in the season premiere of “American Idol” on Wednesday. But with all apologies to Troy Durden, who twerked to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” that's so 2013. If Harry Connick Jr. has his way