American Apparel accused of selling 'underage porn' to promote schoolgirls' skirts

American Apparel's school skirt image sparks fury. US retailer's back to school campaign images objectify and sexualise young women. Daisy May Sitch Style Writer August 07, 2014. American Apparel is in trouble again after posting a provocative image on 

American Apparel has reached a deal with investment firm Standard General to help pay off a $10 million loan.

Well, well, well, if it isn't ANOTHER super sexist, creepy advertising campaign from the pervos over at American Apparel! This time the brand finds itself in hot water after launching ads for its 'Back to School' range of miniskirts which feature what

Controversial clothing retailer American Apparel has come under fire over its new Back to School range which critics have branded 'sexist'. The brand – known for its provocative campaigns – features a model bending over in a plaid mini-skirt with her 

Now, clothing maker American Apparel is under fire for its latest "Back to School" advertisement campaign that showcases models wearing miniskirts and short tops. According to the Daily Mail, the company posted an image of a female model wearing a