Ali Wentworth teaching children about body image by being naked

Thursday, June 11, 2015 8:00pm. Ali Wentworth in conversation with Jackie Collins. Happily Ali After: And More Fairly True Tales. William Turner Gallery Bergamot Station Arts Center 2525 Michigan Avenue, Santa Monica 

Alexandra "Ali" Wentworth is the actress wife who's married to George Stephanopoulos. Check out Wentworth's best pics.

George Stephanopoulos may have bigger problems than looking like a sympathetic $75K friend to the Clintons as the 2016 presidential election marches closer. His wife, comedian Ali Wentworth, went on ABC's “The Chew” 

A fixture on both morning and nightly news programs on ABC, Dan Abrams enjoys downtime in Southampton with his son, Everett. Here, Ali Wentworth talks both breaking news and the lighter side of life with the journalist and burgeoning 

Ali Wentworth Brings Vodka and Zoloft to Toddler Tea Party in New Trailer for Happily Ali After Book. Search for: