Ali Wentworth teaching children about body image by being naked

Although Wentworth appears to be incredibly confident about her image, she elected to undergo blepharoplasty — a procedure that reduces bags under the eyes — in 2012. “My eyes were such an issue at work,” she recalled. “It started to really eat away

From her unforgettable turn in Seinfeld as Jerry's "Schmoopie" and her 3 years as an on-air correspondent for The Oprah Winfrey Show, to film roles in It's Complicated and Jerry Maguire, actress Ali Wentworth can be counted on to make you 

and I said to her, 'You gave me a great chapter in my book,' " adds Wentworth. "So she thought that was very funny because I said, 'You called George a sexual icon.' And she was like, 'He is! He is!' And I was like, 'Stop saying that! I'm holding on by

George's other half is here. Of course, Ali Wentworth is an actre actress, comedian, New York times best-selling author. Read I over the weekend. Laugh out loud. Happy Ali after. Her adventures in self-improvement. We did this reverse thing. We did

Ali Wentworth Brings Vodka and Zoloft to Toddler Tea Party in New Trailer for Happily Ali After Book. Search for: