Alessandro Volta

Happy birthday, Alessandro Volta! A geeky Google Doodle showing an animation of a battery honors one of the forefathers of electrical science. Volta is widely credited with having invented the modern battery — a discovery he made around 1799 when he

Google on Wednesday feted physicist Alessandro Volta with an animated doodle depicting the battery he invented. Visitors to Google's homepage will see an animation of the battery Volta invented to light up a "Google" logo. As with past doodles

An eyecatching new Google Doodle celebrates the 270th anniversary of the birth of Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. Volta published a ground breaking theory in 1800 that led to the modern battery. The Doodle honour's Volta's discovery with an

The Google Doodle for February 18 celebrates the life of the Italian inventor of the battery Alessandro Volta. The doodle comes on what would have been his 270th birthday. The doodle appears on the homepage of Google Australia. When the user swipe 

Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta (try saying that five times fast) was born on 15 February 1745, in the small town of Como in northern Italy. At the ripe old age of 29, he became a professor of physics at the Royal