Alec Baldwin says goodbye to 'public life'

Alec Baldwin, the “30 Rock” star and host of a short-lived MSNBC show, has published an essay on his purported retirement from public life in New York magazine. If history is guide, this won't stick. That's because, over and over, Baldwin has hinted

Alec Baldwin is leaving public life, but not before using a magazine cover story to rip apart everyone he feels has wronged him. (Also, he's not really leaving public life, because he'll still act and do commercials and 

Alec Baldwin vowed to quit the media (but not the movies) and fired a few parting shots at former co-workers like Shia LaBeouf, Rachel Maddow, and MSNBC head Phil Griffin, in an essay entitled “Good-Bye, Public Life” published Monday in New York 

Alec Baldwin Explains Everything from Gay Slur Incidents to Shia LaBeouf Issues, Says Goodbye to Public Life Alec Baldwin takes the cover and writes an editorial for New York magazine to explain the last several months of 

(CNN) — Alec Baldwin is still an actor. He's just no longer in show business. As his one-time "Orphans" co-star, Shia LaBeouf, did last winter, Baldwin has given a public statement that he's ready to retire from public life. He does so in an essay