Ahmed Mohamed after clock 'bomb' arrest: 'This won't be my last invention'

On Wednesday, an Irving independent school district spokeswoman, Lesley Weaver, defended the school's decision to arrest Ahmed under Texas's “hoax bomb” statute after an English teacher reported the “suspicious” 

The 14-year-old was arrested, fingerprinted, and photographed for mugshots on Monday after police thought this home-made clock was a "hoax bomb," according to the Dallas Morning News. The Irving Police Department 

September 16, 2015 1:52 PM EDT – Police detained a 14-year-old Muslim boy after a teacher at his North Texas high school decided that a homemade clock he proudly brought to class looked like a bomb. Officials have since said Ahmed Mohamed will not 

On Wednesday, an Irving independent school district spokeswoman, Lesley Weaver, defended the school's decision to arrest Ahmed under Texas's “hoax bomb” statute after an English teacher reported the “suspicious” 

The tweet was a response to the story everyone's outraged about today: Ahmed Mohamed, the kid in Texas whose wonderful homemade clock sparked a racist reply by his school, and by authorities. Apple founder Steve Jobs, seen here in classic “garage”