After Video Accuses Planned Parenthood of 'Selling Body Parts,' Bobby Jindal …

Planned Parenthood (2) Planned Parenthood has responded to the hidden camera video of one of its executives Deborah Nucatola bragging about harvesting fetal organs, dismissing the video as false and heavily-edited.

Rick Perry condemned Planned Parenthood Tuesday after video surfaced of the organization's top doctor discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies.

Led by a mainstream media in full-emotional racial-blackmail mode, we just had a national debate about the Confederate Flag. With the news that Planned Parenthood is trafficking in dead baby parts — news our mainstream media is almost certain to

New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America's top doctor describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies, in some cases using an illegal partial-birth abortion procedure. “I'd say 

July 14, 2015 4:53 PM EDT – Editor's note: Contains graphic language. The Center for Medical Progress released a video that allegedly shows a Planned Parenthood executive talking about selling fetal organs. (The Center for Medical Progress)