After Seven Years, Homestuck Comes To An End

Philadelphia University student John Swift, who cosplayed as Gamzee from the comic "Homestuck," made a 6-foot-tall hammer from cardboard and a curtain rod. These may be geeks, but Zenkaikon is hardly innocent. Cosplaying maids from the Moe Cafe are 

photo – Brianna Fuggetta, dressed as Sollux Captor from Homestuck, gets her costume fixed Caption + Brianna Fuggetta, dressed as Sollux Captor from Homestuck, gets her costume fixed by a friend during the Colorado Springs Comic & Toy Con at 

What do I know about the insanely popular webcomic, 'Homestuck', really not much at all. I do know that it's an interactive online (and offline) behemoth of a series that has gained a tremendous following and an even larger response. Lucky for you my

Philadelphia University student John Swift, who cosplayed as Gamzee from the comic "Homestuck," made a 6-foot-tall hammer from cardboard and a curtain rod. These may be geeks, but Zenkaikon is hardly innocent. Cosplaying maids from the Moe Cafe are 

Well I started off just wanting to try it out. It was a super small convention, SwampCon in Gainesville. The next year I cosplayed Homestuck with some friends and fell in love with how intricate and beautiful some of the costumes were and it made me