Aesop Rock: the rapper with a wider vocabulary than Shakespeare

Olympia's Kimya Dawson and hip hop artist Ian Bavitz (aka Aesop Rock), collaborating as The Uncluded, will perform music from their debut album, Hokey Fright, at the Olympia Timberland Library from 8:30 to 10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22. The two artists 

De verrassende conclusie van Daniels is echter dat verschillende hiphopartiesten over een grotere en rijkere woordenschat beschikken dan de grote schrijver en dichter. Bovenaan staat rapper Aesop Rock met meer dan zevenduizend unieke woorden.

Aesop Rock crushed the competition, coming in with the biggest vocabulary by a landslide. His 7,392 words outpaced the next highest, GZA, by 1,000 words. The whole Wu-Tang Clan hovered in the highest range, around 6,000 words. Most rappers sat 

Olympia's Kimya Dawson and hip hop artist Ian Bavitz (aka Aesop Rock), collaborating as The Uncluded, will perform music from their debut album, Hokey Fright, at the Olympia Timberland Library from 8:30 to 10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22. The two artists 

Out of the damn blue, Aesop Rock drops a 30-minute collection of unreleased beats, loops, and sonic oddities that haven't made his commercial releases. It's a pretty colorful collection of tracks, honestly. It's just as lo-fi andÂ