A year later, Boston Marathon runners 'take back that finish line!'

BOSTON – Meb Keflezighi left a spectator grandstand at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon about five minutes before the first bomb went off. “All of a sudden, I heard something,” said Keflezighi, who had withdrawn from the race 10 days before

As Lee Ann Yanni got ready to run in this year's Boston Marathon, she made sure she had the silver stingray charm and necklace her father gave "his little girl" before he died of cancer. It is a talisman that back-to-back explosions at the 2013

Sports-related proposals are generally a bad idea, but this is heartwarming.

BOSTON — When the digital clocks along Boylston Street flashed 2:49 on Marathon Monday, nothing out of the ordinary happened. And that was reason for joyous celebration. At that moment last year, the first of two bombs exploded near the finish line of

Sports-related proposals are generally a bad idea, but this is heartwarming.