A Warning To Both Parties On Planned Parenthood And Abortion

Blowing up the Republican Party's scheme to destroy Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden admitted that his videos are a fraud during an interview on CNN. The admission came when Daleiden was questioned by Chris Cuomo about Carly Fiorina's 

Blowing up the Republican Party's scheme to destroy Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden admitted that his videos are a fraud during an interview on CNN. The admission came when Daleiden was questioned by Chris Cuomo about Carly Fiorina's 

Sarasota, Florida — Republicans may revisit the "defund Planned Parenthood fight" in mid-December when government funding will run out again. Meanwhile, the controversial issue continues to stir strong emotions on both sides of the issue. A silent

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a five-hour hearing on Tuesday regarding Planned Parenthood's use of taxpayer dollars after The Center for Medical Progress released several horrifying 

Cecile Richards faced tough questions on Planned Parenthood.