A Look at the Baltimore Police Officers Charged in Freddie Gray's Death

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said “these cops are political prisoners,” offered up as 

Sean Hannity interviewed someone identifying himself as a Baltimore cop who says the preliminary toxicology report on Freddie Gray tested positive for heroin and marijuana. Further, contrary to early reports, the cop says that 

Freddie Gray sustained his fatal injuries inside a police van when his head slammed into a bolt in the back of the vehicle, a Baltimore TV news station has reported after claiming to have received multiple briefings on a police 

Murphy repeated Freddie Gray's family's call for only peaceful demonstrations in Baltimore this weekend. He praised the ministers and community leaders who have urged peaceful actions. He also praised young people for their leadership in recent days.

A neighbor of one of the officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray said Saturday that the officer was visibly saddened in the days after Gray died. "I've been in my house crying — crying for her," said a neighbor of Sgt. Alicia White, one of six