A Look at the Baltimore Police Officers Charged in Freddie Gray's Death

In a truly unusual and unexpected turn of events, police officers have been charged in connection with injuries sustained to a suspect in their custody. Per the Baltimore Sun, the six officers in charge of Freddie Gray's detention 

Famed defense attorney and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz had harsh words for Maryland state attorney Marilyn Mosby, who on Friday announced stiff charges against six Baltimore police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. “This is a show trial

Sean Hannity interviewed someone identifying himself as a Baltimore cop who says the preliminary toxicology report on Freddie Gray tested positive for heroin and marijuana. Further, contrary to early reports, the cop says that 

Unsurprisingly, the death of Freddie Gray and the Baltimore unrest that followed dominated most of the conversation on Friday night's Real Time with Bill Maher, with the host at one point comparing Baltimore cops to the Catholic Church given that both 

The Gray case has been headline news in Baltimore and nationwide, but in that moment on the morning of April 12, Moore wasn't thinking about media attention. He said he just wanted to capture a moment he thought others should see — what he calls the