A Fair Inquiry for Michael Brown

The prosecutor heading the Michael Brown investigation has a perception problem: When it comes to his impartiality, the jury is still out. Overseeing possible charges in the shooting death of the unarmed teen falls on St. Louis County Prosecuting

The shooting of Michael Brown and the heavy-handed response by the police that followed has struck a nerve among Muslims. It has motivated American-Muslim leaders to speak out publicly in ways we hadn't seen before on police misconduct directed 

Fox & Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck said Wednesday morning that President Barack Obama should aim the harsh rhetoric he had for the death of Michael Brown at ISIS over the beheading of captured journalist JamesĀ 

Fox & Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck said Wednesday morning that President Barack Obama should aim the harsh rhetoric he had for the death of Michael Brown at ISIS over the beheading of captured journalist JamesĀ 

FERGUSON, Mo. (CNN) – The Ferguson police officer who killed Michael Brown says the teenager rushed at him full speed in the moments before the shooting, according to an account phoned in to a St. Louis radio station and confirmed as accurate by a