9 moments that capture the chaos in Ferguson

Washington (CNN) — Americans are sharply divided along racial lines as to whether Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson should be charged with murder in the shooting death of Michael Brown, a new CNN/ORC poll out Monday finds. Fifty-four percent of 

A few protesters hurled items at CNN's Stephanie Elam, and some said they did not want the media reporting on the unrest in Ferguson. [Breaking news update 11:05 p.m. ET]. Attorney General Eric Holder stressed that the federal civil rights

CNN and Fox News crews were attacked during the violent protests.

Once a market leader among Western 24-hour news channels, CNN has now become infamous for its slipshod mislabeling of maps across the world.

Shortly after St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch's announced that the grand jury had decided against indicting Darren Wilson, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin provided what would prove to be the best insight from the network all night.* “Let's see what the