7 places for free doughnuts for National Doughnut Day in metro Phoenix

PEIFER Richmond Times-Dispatch Richmond.com. This Friday is the first Friday in June, and you know what that means. Or maybe you don't. But it's National Doughnut Day and area stores are celebrating the best way possible — with free doughnuts.

As National Donut Day approaches Friday, the cream-filled has been crowned America's favorite in a stunning defeat of the ever-popular glazed, according to a new survey. Ipsos polling asked the nation a simple question: 

So far as fake holidays go, National Donut Day, held every year on the first Friday in June, is a pioneer. It's not nearly as fake and overtly contrived as johnny-come-latelys like, say, 7-Eleven Day. The Donut Day tradition started way back in World

The food gods have declared tomorrow National Donut Day, which means a slew of sugary posts, round-ups, and deals concerning all things doughnut — but you'd be hard-pressed to beat this one. Ernesto Uchimura's 

Is it possible to look at a doughnut and not think, "Mmmm?" On Friday, June 5 during National Doughnut Day, the fried cakes of tastiness are at their most scrumptious because they're free at a handful of restaurants. Established in 1938, National