6 quick facts about the spring equinox

Sunday's vernal equinox means everybody on earth got 12 hours of sunlight today — more or less. (The National Weather Service notes that refraction, among other factors, causes a few minutes' worth of variation, depending on your location on earth.).

Sunday's vernal equinox means everybody on earth got 12 hours of sunlight today — more or less. (The National Weather Service notes that refraction, among other factors, causes a few minutes' worth of variation, depending on your location on earth.).

The first day of spring means more than snow melting and flowers blooming. To find out some fun and interesting trivia facts, continue reading below, courtesy of Express and MSN. 1.What does vernal equinox mean? “Vernal” is the Latin word for spring

Taking advantage of a double truck opportunity available to photographers every month or so in the weekend edition of our tabloid sister paper, the Daily News, I set out one day this past week to look for signs of Spring (it arrived at 12:30 a.m. EDT

The first day of spring means more than snow melting and flowers blooming. To find out some fun and interesting trivia facts, continue reading below, courtesy of Express and MSN. 1.What does vernal equinox mean? “Vernal” is the Latin word for spring