6 myths about the Ides of March and killing Caesar

On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon will be hosting a program discussing all of the most important recent news stories. Bannon will interview a 

March 15 – the Ides – falls a week from this coming Sunday. But this year it's actually two days after the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia (and anniversary.

Et tu, Hopper? A few days ago I featured Hilbert draped over my sister, so I figured that turnabout is fair play: here's Hopper draped over me to make up for the lack of normal Friday catblogging. Hopper is a Daddy's girl, and will sit on no one's lap

I'm just – in the spirit of the ides of March – trying to gently warn her that she better look out for the next Won that comes along as well. They're all tainted, and none of them really have your well-being at heart. So don't say you 

On the Ides of March. by Douglas Clegg. Recall the time when Julius Caesar Heard prophecy from some old geezer, A sayer of sooth with this strange teaser: Beware the Ides of March. On Senate floor, with Caesar seizing,