5 Things to Watch for at Tonight's Democratic Presidential Debate

Congratulations, America! Especially Americans who embrace modern media delivery paradigms! Not only did we get to watch a GOP debate this week without any cable company's permission (high-five, Fox Business channel!), but tonight's Democratic 

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From there, John Kasich took on job creation and Wall Street, both topics hotly debated by Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley in the last Democratic debate. At the second break, Cruz and Trump began arguing about Cruz's eligibility to

The fourth installment of the Democratic National Committee's sanctioned debates is set and ready for Sunday, Jan. 17. Despite previous complaints about the debate schedule and low ratings, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has stood her ground on 

The fourth installment of the Democratic National Committee's sanctioned debates is set and ready for Sunday, Jan. 17. Despite previous complaints about the debate schedule and low ratings, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has stood her ground on