5 myths (and one fact) about Lent

Lent begins on February 18 in 2015, marking the 40-day fast many Christians partake in leading up to the Easter holiday. In a display of solidarity and interfaith appreciation, some Muslims are pledging to fast alongside their Christian neighbors this

Then why do we always refer to the 40 days of Lent? The 40 days of fasting during Lent do not include Sundays. Every Sunday Christians commemorate the day of Christ's resurrection, thus, Sunday by its nature is a day of joy and celebration. The Sundays 

Pack up your pancakes, because Lent is upon us. In a secular age, the Christian festival of self-denial is weirdly popular. This is because we've rebranded it as a sort of liturgical Movember, in which we indulge our vanity with silly juice fasts, as

What should we give up for Lent? While I have one or two possibilities floating around, I think it would be good for my soul, marriage, and family if I offered something pertaining to my vocation. Simply put, marriage to Andrew 

Lent begins on February 18 in 2015, marking the 40-day fast many Christians partake in leading up to the Easter holiday. In a display of solidarity and interfaith appreciation, some Muslims are pledging to fast alongside their Christian neighbors this