4 Emergency Workers Put On Desk Duty In Eric Garner Case; New Video …

In a video shot by Garner's friend, Ramsey Orta, the plainclothes Pantaleo can be seen placing Garner in a chokehold from behind and dragging him to the pavement with the help of assisting officers who were attempting to place Garner under arrest for 

Rev. Al Sharpton demands justice for Eric Garner and his family View full sizeEric Garner's wife, Esaw Garner breaks down during Rev. Al Sharpton's public address of the death of Eric Garner. Sharpton spoke publicly in Harlem at the National Action

Earlier, the NYPD took the gun and badge away from the officer who placed 43-year old Eric Garner in a chokehold during an arrest attempt on Staten Island. The NYPD announced that Officer Daniel Pantaleo, an 8-year 

Disturbing video surfaced regarding New York police and an encounter with resident Eric Garner. Garner was standing outside of a beauty salon shop, where he was chatting with Ramsey Orta, who shot the video. The two 

The police department is under fire after an amateur video showed officers attempting to arrest Eric Garner, 43, of Staten Island on Thursday on suspicion of selling untaxed cigarettes. De Blasio, who rode to electoral victory on a wave of deep