17 years after Columbine, the mother of one of the killers finally tells her story

A MOM NEEDS TO KNOW. The mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold, who along with Eric Harris killed 13 people, has written a memoir. Like we need to know her inner feelings. On Friday night Sue Klebold told Diane Sawyer, “I felt that I was a good mom 

He helped in his father's electronics business and worked on family farms during the summer. He was shot holding an exit door open for fleeing students. William "Dave" Saunders. A teacher at Columbine for 24 years. He coached girls' basketball and

Chilling Words. Inside The Diaries Of The Trench Coat Mafia — A Rare View Of The Columbine Shooting. By Radar Staff. Posted on Feb 13, 2016 @ 12:50PM. Share. Columbine Dylan Klebold Eric Harris · Unknown 100 

A MOM NEEDS TO KNOW. The mother of Columbine killer Dylan Klebold, who along with Eric Harris killed 13 people, has written a memoir. Like we need to know her inner feelings. On Friday night Sue Klebold told Diane Sawyer, “I felt that I was a good mom 

Columbine Victims, Survivors Remembered: Part 6. More. Those who were injured or lost loved ones in the tragedy have tried to move on and some have set up foundations. 3:14 | 02/13/16. ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos. Coming up in the next