13 Reasons Leprechauns Are Actually Terrifying and Not at All Magical …

As a special St. Patrick's Day treat, WWE Studios shared the first ever clip from Leprechaun: Origins, featuring an introduction by WWE wrestler Hornswoggle (Dylan Postl) who plays the title character. It's unusual to see footage so early, considering

Droopy — Droopy Leprechaun. This Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon was released on July 4, 1958.

Droopy — Droopy Leprechaun. This Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon was released on July 4, 1958.

The Crichton Leprechaun is alive and well in Mobile, Alabama on this St. Patty's day, reports a crackhead and a man who can't see in the dark.

I'm here to see a leprechaun. 2014/03/17. I flew to San Francisco early yesterday evening for some meetings over the next couple of days, and here I am working on a presentation when I realized what day it is. I did not plan to stay at a place