11 Things About Kevin McCarthy You Need To Know, Or Might As Well Know

House Speaker John Boehner on Friday told the House Republican Conference that he plans to resign from Congress at the end of October. Boehner's office said the speaker had planned to exit the office at the end of last year, presumably to usher in

HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy landed here from Los Angeles with a bang: He bluntly warned that Republicans will blow the presidency in 2016 if they don't make some radical changes — and 

New House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on Sunday he favors closing down the U.S. Export-Import Bank when its charter expires in September because the government does not need to be involved in financing 

Pope Francis waves to a crowd from the Speaker's Balcony on the West Front of the Capitol as he stands with Vice President Joe Biden, left, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, third from right, Speaker of the House John Boehner, second right, and 

Both men, House speaker John Boehner and House majority leader Kevin McCarthy, stood behind the pope on Thursday as he prepared to address a joint session of Congress. Boehner cried; McCarthy beamed. The external contrast reflects a deeper