10 Greatest Leonardo DiCaprio Performances

Leonardo DiCaprio was, and is, a heartthrob. From Romeo + Juliet to Titanic, the 90s was Leo's decade with fangirls going crazy for the star's boyish good looks and brooding intensity. Now 41-years-old, Leo is still the object of our affection, but for

In honor of Leonardo DiCaprio's day of birth — he's 41 today — I am submitting a list of some of the best reasons he deserves to hold Oscar for the first time ever when the biggest night in Hollywood rolls around in three 

Glittering socially conscious diamonds are here for your next luxury online splurge, thanks to a new company backed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Silicon Valley bigwigs. Launched today, which is also Leo's birthday, the California-based Diamond Foundry is a 

Leonardo DiCaprio was, and is, a heartthrob. From Romeo + Juliet to Titanic, the 90s was Leo's decade with fangirls going crazy for the star's boyish good looks and brooding intensity. Now 41-years-old, Leo is still the object of our affection, but for

Leonardo DiCaprio is Frank Abagnale, Jr.: a doctor, lawyer, co-pilot, master of deception, brilliant forger, bank robber and teenager. Yes, teenager. Frank forged his medical degree, law degree and piloting license all before he was 18 years old