10 Cloverfield Lane is JJ Abrams best kept secret

This weekend sees the release of 13 Hours, and though you may not be interested in the film, you will be interested to know that the trailer for the Bad Robot-produced 10 Cloverfield Lane is attached to Michael Bay's latest. But what the hell is 10

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I could never really get into CLOVERFIELD myself, but 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE stills holds my interest through the fact that it remains a claustrophic – at least up to a point – thriller starring Goodman and Winstead. I can't wait to see them torment each

If you're looking for the best movie news and information about new movies, you've come to the right place. Get the best movie news and new movies info first. Watch the latest new movie trailers and previews. See movie clips and get info about the

It didn't take long for it to start trending, but a quick Google search at that time didn't net much other than pings of a random title that reads more like an address in Santa Monica, 10 Cloverfield Lane. What did it all mean? It wasn't long until