​"Frozen" Niagara Falls draws tourists to winter spectacle

"Niagara Falls Has Almost Completely Frozen Over," a headline on The Weather Channel read. "Niagara Falls has frozen over as extreme weather continues across the East Coast — and it is going to get even colder," the 

An icy Niagara Falls drew a small but hardy stream of tourists Friday intent on witnessing the extraordinary crystalline spectacle, if only long enough to click some photos. Weeks of sustained cold had visitors marveling from behind scarves and

Life]. On Monday, the temperature at Niagara Falls dropped to 13 degrees below zero. The drop in temperature left parts of Niagara Falls frozen, while the surrounding area was covered in snow and mist. The transformation 

Niagara Falls is one of the great wonders of the world. It is easily the most famous waterfall on the planet. Unlike the countless others who have daringly gone down the falls, world-renowned ice climber and daredevil Will 

Niagara Falls isn't exactly frozen over; water is still flowing underneath the ice. It's not uncommon for parts of the falls to ice over in winter. The only recorded time the water flow stopped completely was in 1848, thanks to an ice